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A brand-new meditation track that allows you to program your subconscious mind, consciously! Manifest while dozing off, tapping into those magical alpha brainwaves! This recording will help with feelings of:


* Self worth,

* Love

* Joy

* Importance

* Peace

* Being your ideal body weight and having healthy eating habits

* Enjoying perfect health

* Knowing your purpose and being on track

* Personal success

* True abundance

* And so much more!


Just play it each night as you fall asleep and let your subconscious mind do the rest! Being in alpha brainwaves allows us to overcome the logical mind, to be calm and receptive to new ways of thinking and being. It offers a shortcut to subconscious programming!


Just sign up and the file will be sent to your phone or via email, whichever you prefer. 


Manifesting Meditation (Program your Subconscious, Consciously!

  • Please note: When ordering, use the "Pick up from clinic" method to avoid posting and handling charges. The actual recording will be sent be either phone or email (whatever you prefer). 

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